The key to a smooth operating economy is having sound fiscal and financial policies. Furthermore, the current nationwide instability in nations like Syria and Libya has threatened the lives of the OFWs, who nonetheless have chosen to stay in their international workplaces because of financial causes which they discover weightier vis-à-vis their safety.

Colonized Info, expertise and Technique have been used and are nonetheless being utilized by the current authorities in service of colonialism and neocolonialism to subjugate, control, manipulate, impose news-blackout and to keep the South African populace ignorant and at logger-heads with itself.

It was an uneasiness and anger about this reality that fueled Richard Wright’s barely concealed contempt for his Ghanaian kinsman in Black Power and that led many African People to view their New World tradition as sui generis, linked only tenuously to its African antecedents, if at all.economic news today

As for the gridlock(caused by the GOP in the Shutting-down authorities), and the starvation they’re inflicting to all Foodstamps recipients of which nearly all of these are White individuals, but listening to them, they make it appear it’s poor Black folks, who they declare buy vehicles and the like, wasting the money, one would have thought that they would have some compassion and shown some leadership.economic news today

Yet hyperlocal online exercise is prospering if journalists have the time and inclination to engage with it. This paper proposes an exploratory, normative schema intended to help native journalists systematically map and monitor their very own hyperlocal on-line communities and contacts, with the intention of re-establishing native information beats online as networks.economic news today