How to Use IKEA Credit Card in 2020?

If you belong to the IKEA Family, you are aware of their reward system. Those who only think of enrolling in their Loyalty Program may find it interesting getting to know the benefits and purposes of a designated credit card that give some privilege over ordinary clients. Does IKEA have a credit card similar to bank ones?

Pay IKEA Credit Card: What’s the Point?

People who at least once per month dedicate their time to shopping in the IKEA store, know that the more purchases they make, the more rewards are to be accredited to their special account. Let’s make it clear, it is almost the same VISA card issued by banking facilities which you can use for payments. And, it is tied to IKEA stores where you can use it for earnings. In fact, you won’t get super bonuses in terms of free products or furniture, but it can be a great advantage if you shop there like daily, and you feel not appreciated for such a contribution to their profit. Application for IKEA credit card is just as easy as strolling around their shelves and coming across fancy decorative items. You have to only use their platform. …

Helping Younger Generation Brings Challenges

As the American population ages into retirement, younger generations may be the ones responsible for picking up the pieces. There’s only one problem: the younger generation is in no position to do so.

A recent study by the Urban Institute, published on March 15, 2013, found Americans from young adulthood up to about age 40 have accrued less wealth than their parents at the same age even as the average wealth has doubled over the last quarter-century.

So, what is to blame? The truth is, it’s not a single issue. A broad range of economic factors has conspired to suppress wealth-building for younger American workers. According to the study, they face a number of issues such as stagnant pay, declining median incomes, a housing collapse, and soaring student debt.

The cost of college tuition today is just one of those economic factors. “Rising tuition threatens to discourage all, but the well-off, from going to and finishing college, restraining future economic growth, and widening the gap between winners and losers in the U.S. economy,” wrote David Wessel, economics editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. “The College Board says over the past 20 years, the inflation-adjusted average published cost of …

Financial Reports that Must Be Prepared by Property Company Managers

As a property or real estate company owner, you certainly need to know everything related to the company’s financial condition. Recruiting or consulting with the right property manager will help you maintain and increase the value of your property assets. Plus, property managers will provide accurate and detailed property company financial reports so you can realize the financial goals of your property company.

In the world of financial management, all costs deemed unnecessary for company operations need to be cut. As much as possible, track all costs that do not effectively help the company’s operations. Because you have to take full advantage of the income streams that come from the rental property.

Obviously, the data you need to realize these things is in one of the components of the Financial Statements, the Income Statement, and Cash Flow. When the task is done correctly, the potential income of your property company will be maximized. If you are looking for an accountant who is an expert in financial reports, you can find it at

Here are six types of Financial Statements that your property manager must provide each month:

Balance Sheet Report (Statements of Financial Position)

This is a report …

Want to Change the House Paint? Must Watch This Color Psychology Problem!

It’s no secret that each color contains meaning and also influence on one’s psychological. That is why, when you are going to redecorate the house by changing the color of the paint, it’s good to know first about the psychology of the colors that will be chosen. You also need to know about qualified painters to apply paint colors to your house perfectly. Just visit to get the best and quality paint service.

Not only get the aesthetic benefits of the color of choice, understanding the influence of psychology can have a good effect on residents of the house. In order to get the full benefits, let’s read the reviews!

Red and its derivatives

Dark red has the nature of arousing passion and romantic impression in each room. When using it adequately, this color can have a dramatic effect. Meanwhile, if used in small quantities, it can build warmth. Various red derivatives that are used as decorations can create a certain mood. For example, bold pink which has a flexible nature.

This punchy color is very bright and suitable for delivering the impression of glamor and energy. Suitable for those who are feminine and mature. On the other hand, …